Up Grupo

UP Grupo will enhance your brand, your business, your home and your life.

We are the right answer to boost and grow professional projects and events or to create and develop your brand.

We operate in distinct but complementary areas: sale, rental and maintenance of audiovisual and home automation systems, as well as graphic identity development.

We work in a multidisciplinary way, trying to bridge the needs of your business or home, whether they are related with your facilities; with your business practice; with the events you organize or the way you communicate and position your brand, products or services.

20 years investing in…

…More assertiveness, more impact, more visibility. More up!



UP Audiovisuais, upgrade your project!

>> We sell, rent and install sound, image and light systems and audiovisual structures for your business or events.


Up Domótica, upgrade your systems!

>> Home automation systems to remotely control and monitor in an intelligent and efficient way, various systems in your business and home.


Up Design, upgrade your brand!

>> Graphic design studio for communication, marketing and advertising solutions that promote the growth of your brand.


upgrade your project

upgrade your systems

upgrade your brand

upgrade your project

upgrade your systems

upgrade your brand